King Philip Basketball Team Visits Freeman-Kennedy School
January 12, 2015
KP basketball players read to Mrs. Leidner's grade 3 class!
KP basketball players teach science in Mrs. Moore's grade 3 class.
KP basketball players play a math game with Mrs. McFadden's grade 3 class!
Fraction, Decimal, Percent Activity - Grade 6 Math
Students in Mrs. Bosh's 6th grade math class are applying their content knowledge on fractions, decimals, and percents using conversational hearts!
Norfolk County Senior Citizen Volunteer Reading in the Library!
Mrs. Leinder's grade 3 class
Reading ebooks on iPads in library! Mr. Brogan's Class
Bucket Fillers of the Month for January and February!
We are so proud of their efforts!
Family Math Game Night
January 29, 2015
Have a wonderful February break with family and friends!
Lisa Altham-Hickey