Friday, December 14, 2012

December 3-14, 2012

A Season of Giving
Happy Holidays to parents and students at the Freeman-Kennedy School. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who participated in the "Season of Giving."  All of your generous donations will bring huge smiles to many families within our community.  As we all continue to prepare for the upcoming holiday it is important to reflect on what makes this season so special and what each of us are thankful in our lives.  I am very thankful for the wonderful staff and students that fills our new school every day.  I am also thankful for the parents that support us in numerous ways to keep our school filled with enriching opportunities that connect to curriculum.  As a school community we are very grateful to the town of Norfolk for making education a priority.  We love our new school!

I wish everyone a joyous holiday season with family and friends. There are many traditions that make the holidays special.  May your family traditions create lasting memories that are filled with laughter and joy.  I wish everyone a happy healthy New Year!

Students in Mr. Fouracre's advanced band practice for the upcoming winter concerts!  There morning lessons as an entire band coupled with their lessons during the day certainly demonstrate the unique talent each player has developed.  We look forward to hearing them play soon!

  Demolition of the 
Freeman-Centennial School
It is hard to believe that the demolition of the old Freeman-Centennial School is in its final days! The memories we have will last an eternity!

Grade 5 Students Climb the 
New Rock Wall
Students in Mrs. William's homeroom had the opportunity to use the rock climbing wall in Mrs. Pereria's gym class.  As you can see there is a lot of strategy, endurance, strengthening, and planning that goes into the activity. 

Science Inquiry in Fifth Grade
 Students are determining which objects are transparent, translucent, and opaque.  

Students are studying refraction with light and different substances.

    Students are studying refraction with prisms and a flashlight. 

    Students are working in teams on an activity!

Bucket Fillers of The Week
Lindsey B. (Mrs. Klassman's class) for helping a student with his words. She is helpful and kind to students.
John C. (Mrs. Pericles' class) for complimenting another boy on his great football passes during recess.
Olivia (Mrs. Moore's class) Olivia asked me to play with her on the playground.
Danny M. (Mrs. Klassman's Class) a friend was coughing and Danny made sure to check and see if the student was O.K., Danny was caring. 
Abby (Mrs. Moore's class) She asked another student if she would like to play with her at recess who seemed to be by herself. 
Emily (Mrs. Pericles' class) played outside with another student who had an injured ankle.
Eli R. (Mrs. Pericles' class) sat with another student at lunch that was by himself and shared his crayons with another student in the classroom.  

Max. N (Mrs. McFadden's class) helped another student with a math paper that he didn't understand.
Suzie S. (Mrs. McFadden's class) included another student in a game of tag at recess.
Sean M. (Mrs. McFadden's class) played with another student at recess who didn't have anyone to play with.

Guest Readers
Mrs. Lavallee had several guest readers in the library over the past few weeks.
 Mrs. Linde is reading Andrew Clement's Above Average to Mrs. Michenzie's class.
 Jed Palmer, a former student, came back to FK as part of his community service project at Tri-County Vocational-Technical High School because "library was always his favorite special." He read Above Average by Andrew Clement to Mrs. Johnston's class.
Mrs. Fitch read Third Grade Angels by Jerry Spinelli to Mrs. McFadden's class.

Energyville by NStar
The 3rd grade students recently attended Energyville where they learned how to conserve energy both at home and school. This program supports our green school initiative. The children really enjoyed playing the interactive game within the lesson.

Friday, November 30, 2012

November 9-30, 2012

A Season of Giving 
We are thrilled that the Freeman-Kennedy School and staff are participating in the Santa Foundation, a federally approved charitable organization that provides gifts to families in need during the holiday season.  This year, we are sponsoring 5 families in need this within our community.  There is a bulletin board located near the main office decorated with snowflakes and snowmen with gift items needed.  Currently, we have 8 gift items left ranging from gift cards and clothing for children.  If you would like to participate in the season of giving, please take a snowman or snowflake directly from the bulletin board or contact Ms. Lassey at school for items needed.  Gift items should be brought to school by Monday, December 10, 2012.  Gifts do not need to be wrapped; however, donations of wrapping paper are always welcome.  We thank everyone in advance for helping others in need.

Bucket Fillers Over The Last Few Weeks

Ryan A. (Mrs. McFadden's Class) He let Mrs. McFadden know that I was raising my hand.
Connor R. (Mrs. McFadden's Class) Connor always says thank-you to me when I read to him.

Jack H. (at recess) When I got an interception at recess he said, "Great Catch!"
Carson (Mrs. Pericle's Class) At lunch a friend helped me out!
Maggie D. (Mrs. Pericle's Class) Maggie would play with me on the playground when I was alone, and she knows what to say when I'm down. 
Jamie G. (Mrs. Klassman's Class) She has been a good friend and plays with me at recess.
Mia S. ( Mrs. Pericle's Class) She gave up her chance to be the "speaker" of her group during Social Studies.
Emma G. (Mr. Brogan's class) She always keeps me informed of some things I have missed when I am not in the classroom, and I'm thankful for that.

Nick M. (Mrs. Johnston's Class) While doing really challenging math work Nick high-fived another for getting her problem correct.
Ava C. (Mrs. Johnston's Class) She picked up my folder for me!
Annie D. (Mrs. Johnston's Class) My friends asked me to play with them!

Jack M. (Mrs. Longobardi's Class)  Jack took it upon himself to clean up all the scraps on the floor after class art project.
Jack H. (Mrs. Klassman's Class) He is helpful to the students that sit next to him.
Paige K. (Mr. Murray's Class)  She stuck up for a friend in class.
Catie W. (Mr. Murray's Class) She asked me to play with her out at recess.
Kevin N. (Mr. Murray's Class) He came and sat with another at lunch who was by himself.
Julia M. (Mrs. Longobardi's Class) She helped a student pick up a spilled snack.
Tori C. (Mr. Brogan's Class) She sat with someone on the school bus who didn't have anyone to sit with.

New England Region Division 1 Play-Offs
Jack C., Ethan S., Patrick W., Nolan G., Tim D., Jack W., and Terry M. recently played in a Division I play-off football game! Congrats to all of you on this wonderful accomplishment!

Art Work at Freeman-Kennedy School
Students in grades 5 and 6 created WANTED posters about a positive characteristic or trait!

All Soul's Day
Students in grade 5 created happy skeleton figures!

Tyler C. created a dinosaur bone picture!

Lilia A. created a monarch butterfly picture!

Students in grades 3 and 4 have created self portraits of themselves using a shattered mirror technique. 

Supporting all the victims of Hurricane Sandy!!

Students and staff wore their favorite hat to school on Friday, November 30, 2012.  Each student that wore a hat donated $2.00 for the victims affected by Hurricane Sandy.  We collected a total of $720.00.  The money raised will go towards new books for schools, libraries, and homes in the areas destroyed by the hurricane.  In addition, First Book Publishing Partners, a non-profit organization that began this program,will double our donation.  First Book has also partnered with the American Federation for Teachers and the Albert Shanker Institute and they will donate so our total donation will end up being tripled.  

Have a wonderful weekend!
Lisa Altham-Hickey

Friday, November 9, 2012

October 29 - November 9, 2012

Freeman-Kennedy Students Go To The Voting Polls
Students in grades 3-6 had the opportunity to vote for the next president and senator in Congress on Monday, November 5, 2012.  Voting polls opened at 9:00 a.m. and wrapped up around 2:30 p.m.  As students entered the voting site, they checked in and took their ballot to a voting carrel.  After voting, students checked out and then placed their ballot into the ballot box and anxiously waited to hear the results. At the Freeman-Kennedy School, Mitt Romeny and Paul Ryan won the presidential election with a total of 286 votes.  Barak Obama and Joe Biden came in second with a total of 206 votes.   Senator Brown won by a landslide with a total of 414 votes and Elizabeth Warren came in second with a total of 90 votes.  This was a great experience for everyone!  A HUGE thank-you to Mrs. Whitmore for organizing the presidential election at Freeman-Kennedy School.

 Grade 5 Students Explore Technology and Engineering
The fifth grade students are exploring the engineering process by making paper airplanes.  The children had to form a hypothesis about what design would make for a smooth flying plane and test it.    If it did not fly well, they had to determine why it didn't, and then try a new design.

Grade 5 Teachers 
Attend a Professional Development Workshop on 
Technology and Engineering 
The fifth grade teachers attended a science and technology workshop on the engineering design process at the Christa McAuliffe Center on the Framingham State University campus. Mrs. Grout, Mrs. Horton, and Mrs. O'Toole worked on designs using the steps of the engineering process.  They will be using what they learned in their classrooms as they teach their hands-on science lessons.  


Tori C. (Mr. Brogan's class) for helping a classmate pick up her pencils that had fallen.
Sam B. (Mr. Brogan's class) for helping a classmate pick up an entire box of colored pencils that fell out of his desk and scattered all over the floor without even being asked. 

Ryan C. (Mrs. McFadden's class) for helping another student get after he had fallen and hurt himself.
Michael M. (Mrs. Trombert's class) for including another student in the football game at recess and letting him be quarterback. 
Zachary N. (Mrs. Trombert's class) for helping another student pick up his papers when he dropped them.
Molly P. (Mrs. Trombert's class) for encouraging another student to try and the wiggle bars on the playground. 
Markus P. (Mrs. Trombert's class) for helping another student with her word search.
Caroline L. (Mrs. Klassman's class) for making another student feel welcome in class after being out for a while. 

Patrick H. (Mrs. Teague's class) waited for another student to walk back to class with from band, Tyler C. (Mr. Brogan's class) closed another student's locker door for him when he had his hands full, Lorenzo M. (Mrs. Klassman's class) showed an act of kindness by helping a fellow classmate pick up a container of pencils, Patrick B. (Mrs. Klassman's class) also helped pick up a container of colored pencils that another student knocked over without even being asked, Emma M. (Mrs. Moore's class) played with another student at recess who had no one else to play with and Annabelle T. (Mrs. Moore's class) said "yes" when another student in class asked her to play with her because she didn't have anyone else to play with that day.

NOVEMBER 2, 2012

Have a wonderful weekend with family and friends!
Mrs. Altham-Hickey