Friday, September 28, 2012

September 17-28, 2012

Welcome to the Freeman-Kennedy School Blog!

The last few weeks of September have been incredible at the Freeman-Kennedy School.  Students have been actively learning new content curriculum every day.  Technology has taken off to a new level with learning.  It is amazing to see students using iPads and SmartBoards within the classrooms.  As we continue to transition into our new school, new furniture arrives daily.  Students and teachers get excited receiving the new furniture, which makes their learning environment warm and welcoming!

Mrs. Mellick, the art teacher began the school year by having every student in the school illustrate a picture of themselves and their classroom teacher.  The school wide mosaic is hanging in the hallway across from the cafeteria. We have a school wide community of smiling faces! 

Grade 5 students also worked on shared drawings during art class over the past weeks.

Grade 6 students worked on classroom towns!  The towns are displayed throughout the school.  It took collaboration, planning, and teamwork to make these detailed towns. 

Students in fourth grade made classroom mobiles in art class.  The shape, detail, and different colors of  tissue paper look fabulous!  These mobiles are displayed throughout the school.

Students in Mrs. Horton's class and Mrs. Tucceri's class are actively using iPads within their classrooms.  Below Mrs. Horton's class is listening to directions by using headphones with their iPads.  A student in Mrs. Tucerri's classroom is looking up vocabulary words to learn the meaning of new words. 

Students in Mrs. O'Toole's classroom used the new science lab to do an experiment.  They are learning about the states of matter (solid, liquid and gas).  This hands on project let them expereince an ooey gooey feeling in their hands.  What state of matter did they identify by doing this experiment?

Students in Mrs. McFadden's class completed "ME projects".  They did a fabulous job getting up in front of the class and providing an overview of their family, friends, favorite vacations, and items.

Mrs. Patrick and the third grade team invited grade 3 students and families to an Ice Cream Social.  The staff scooped the ice cream while students piled on some yummy toppings!  Everyone had a blast!!

Student's in Mrs. Bosh's sixth grade class enjoy independent reading on the new rug that was recently delivered.  They love the new books they are reading, especially on a cozy rug.

Thanks for taking the time to read and view our blog.  We love sharing education in action. 
I would like to wish everyone a ducky weekend! 

Lisa Altham-Hickey

Friday, September 14, 2012

Welcome Back!

Welcome to the Freeman-Kennedy School blog for the 2012-2013 school year.  I will use this blog to capture education in action throughout the year.  This is one way for parents to see what happens during the school day. 

We opened the doors to the Freeman-Kennedy School on Tuesday, September 4, 2012.  Students and staff are thrilled with their new school and very excited to learn with the multitude of technology we have put in place.  During the first week of school, everyone toured the school, practiced afternoon bus/pick up dismissal, and fire drills.  Students ate in their new cafeteria and had a blast in new gymnasium.  Hands on science took place outside in one of the planting beds that is located within the courtyard.  Students attending library received a blue print to explain where all the library books are located by genre. We had a smooth transition into our gorgeous new school that is warm and welcoming for everyone!

On Saturday, September 8, 2012 we had the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for the Freeman-Kennedy School.  As a school community we are honored to have our school named after Alvin J. Freeman and Sergeant Adam Kennedy. Alvin J. Freeman served on the Norfolk School Committee for 33 years and believed that children always came first.  Adam Kennedy will be remembered as an American hero for defending our country while serving in Iraq.  Both of these men are heroes who will be remembered in our hearts for living their dreams and always putting others first.  It was a memorable day and we are very thankful to the Norfolk Community for making education a top priority.

The King Philip Marching Band visited students in grades 4, 5, and 6 on Tuesday, September 11, 2012.  All students had the opportunity to learn about musical instruments.  This provides all students with background knowledge on instruments they may be interested in playing in our Beginner Band or Advanced Band.

Ethan H. and his friends were the first students to play in the new Freeman-Kennedy gym.  His parents bid on this item at the NCL auction last year!  They had a blast!

Billy H. won Red Sox tickets for the September 8th vs. the Toronto Blue Jays through the MTA Summer Reading game.