Freeman-Kennedy Student Art Work
Mrs. Mellick - Art Teacher
Ceramic Snowman - Grade 6 Students
Grade 6 students had the opportunity to make their own snowman with clay, paint and glaze. These snowmen were fired in the new kiln and look like they are ready for winter!
Grade 3 Navajo Indian Rugs
Grade 3 students made their own Navajo Indian Rugs which correlate with what they are studying in Social Studies.
Winter Seasonal Skyline - Grade 3
Grade 3 students painted a winter skyline and they added texture by using the sides of cardboard. These skylines look amazing!
Penguins From Finger Prints- Grade 4
Grade 4 students had fun creating penguins with their fingers! It looks like those penguins are having fun in the snow!
Georgia O'Keefe Pictures - Grade 4
Students in grade 4 learned about the famous artist Georgia O'Keefe.
Students in grade 4 learned about the famous artist Georgia O'Keefe.
They used three steps to create this amazing art work.
This included water colors, chalk pastel, and paint glue.
Latin American Design - Grade 6
Grade 6 students created Latin American Design.
Latin American Design - Grade 6
Grade 6 students created Latin American Design.
Freeman-Kennedy Teachers Exploring apps for iPads
Freeman-Kennedy staff had the opportunity to explore different apps for the iPad that they can use in their classrooms with students.
GRADE 6 Science Lab
Students are investigating the effects of exercise on the amount of carbon dioxide we exhale.

Bucket Fillers of the Week
Colin S. (Mrs. Klassman's Class) gave up his book to a fellow student when that student came in late from another class.
Jack H. (Mrs. Klassman's Class) helped another student with his desk when the class was moving desks.
Charlie A. (Mrs. Longobardi's Class) included a child at recess, a gesture of good will and friendship.
Najia (Mr. Murray's Class) She volunteers to get anything the table needs at lunch.
Liz F. (Mrs. McFadden's Class) She is a good friend and includes everyone.
Grace C. (Mrs. McFadden's Class) Another student was late for pick up and Grace carried her boots and water bottle and even put them in her bag for her.
Julia L. (Mrs. Longobardi's Class) held the door for all of the students leaving morning band practice with their instruments.
Kira I. (Mr. Murray's Class) She is always inviting other students to play with her at recess.
Devyn D. (Mrs. Pericles Class) She offered to be another student's buddy when their morning buddy was absent.
Emily K. (Mrs. Pericles Class) She asked another student to play with her who was by herself.
Kyle (Mrs. Pericles) He asked another student to be his partner.
Alexis ( Mrs. Moore's Class) She played with another student at recess who was lonely.
Jack M. (Mrs. Longobardi's Class) He gave an honest answer to a difficult question - this helped another student and his teacher.
Dylan C. (Mr. Brogan's Class) He helped another student get his chair down.
John C. (Mrs. Pericles Class) Told another student good job on an assignment as well as complimented another student in football.
Danny (Mrs. Pericles) He sits with another student on the bus when he is by himself.
Oliva M. (Mrs. Trombert's Class) Played with another student on the hard top who didn't have her snow pants and boots.
Mrs. Horton and Mrs. Grout's Class
The students in Mrs. Horton's class are designing packaging for mailing 15 pieces of raw spaghetti!
Mrs. Horton's class opens the package to see if the 15 pieces of spaghetti survived the mail. Did their design work?
Mrs. Grout's and Mrs. Horton's Classes are working on their Explorer Projects
6th Grade Winter Books
Students in Mrs. Logan's class share their winter books with 3rd grade students in Mrs. Klassman's class.
Mrs. Levine's Music Class
3rd grade students from Mrs. Klassman's class have fun playing favorite songs in their recorders.
Patriots Day!
Mrs. Moore's class all decked out in Patriot's attire!