Friday, March 15, 2013

February 4 - March 15, 2013

Winter Band Concert
Directed by: Mr. John Fouracre

Mr. Fouracre welcomed families and friends to the Winter Beginning Band Concert.  The students did an amazing job, and we are all very proud of their hard work!
The percussion section included Charles A., Nick B., Kara B., Ethan H., Paige K., Declan M., John M. Tanner S., and Catherine S.

Kevin P., Jeremy W., Jake S. and Liam P. play the trumpets with enthusiasm and talent!

Holly C. and Jaclyn A. play a duet on the clarinets. 

Dylan B. and Patrick H. play a duet on the saxophones.

                                                    Madison S. plays a flute solo.

Grade 3 Students Vote on New Dog Licenses for Norfolk

Mr. Dooley, the Town Clerk in Norfolk, worked with the entire third grade team.  In Social Studies, they study the the town of Norfolk and through this lesson, made a connection to the voting process and how it works.  All students had an opportunity to develop and vote for a dog license.  Mr. Dooley went to visit each third grade classroom to show off the new dog license.  Each student received a dog license.

Students in Mrs. McFadden's class love the blue dog license. 

Mrs. Klassman's students show off the new dog licenses!

King Philip Basketball Teams Visit Freeman-Kennedy 

SAFEE InitiativeStudent Athletes For Excellence in Education

On Thursday, February 7, 2013, the King Philip boys and girls basketball ball teams came to visit the students at the Freeman-Kennedy School.  Some students shared their favorite childhood book and discussed the importance of reading every day.  Students in Mrs. Horton's fifth grade class enjoyed listening to these stories.
The basketball players also enjoyed having lunch with the third grade students.

The basketball players participated in physical education class with Mrs. Horton's fifth grade class.
They discussed the importance of sportsmanship and inclusion.

Bucket Fillers February 15, 2013 

Johnny C. in Mrs. Moore's Class helped me pick up my crayons that fell.
Kelly C. in Mrs. Moore's Class played with me at recess when I had no one to play with.
Luke Y. in Mrs. Klassman's Class had nothing to do at recess and Luke played with me.
Ben K. in Mrs. Johnston's Class held the door open for me this morning when I had my hands full.
Annebelle T. in Mrs. Moore's Class helped me with my animal report.

Bucket Fillers  March 1, 2013 

Sean P. in Mrs. Horton's Class helped me on my math problems.
Jack N. in Mrs. Horton's Class helped put down my chair when my hands were full of books.
Marie K. in Mrs. Horton's Class takes an hour out of her day to teach the class Japanese.
Gavin M. in Mrs. McFadden's Class helped me make something I didn't know how to make.
Amir S. in Mrs. Michenzie's Class is very nice to the new student in our class this year.
Cassidy M. in Mrs. Klassman's Class brought in some books and shared them with me.

Bucket Fillers March 15, 2013 

Danny M. in Mrs. Klassman's Class was extremely kind to his friend when he got an answer wrong.
Noah F. in Mrs. Klassman's  Class was so kind to his friend when he was called on and responded incorrectly.
Jimmy K. in Mrs. Moore's Class took down my chair for me in the morning. 
Jamie G. in Mrs. Klassman's Class took the time to help a friend with his 8 tables.

Celebrating the 100th Day of School 

Students in third grade are aging very quickly!  There appears to be a lot of old students attending school.

David E. in Mrs. Michenzie's fifth grade class is looking charming at 100!

Fourth graders dressed like they were 100!

Career Fair 

Sponsored By: Norfolk Girl Scouts Troop 3616 - March 6, 2013

Meghan Pillar, Eliza Sheehan, and Caitlin Donahue organized an amazing Career Fair for fifth and sixth grade girls.  The young ladies brainstormed an idea on how to earn their Silver Award for Girl Scouts.  In order to earn this award, each girl had to perform fifty hours of community service.  They did an outstanding job recruiting women from various professions to come and speak about their careers.  We had over thirty young ladies learn about different professions.  Below you will find some great pictures of this event. 

Would you be interested in being a chef?
Would you be interested in becoming a firefighter?
Would you be interested in cosmetology? 

Grade 5 Hall of Fame

Mrs. Horton's and Mrs. Grout's Classes Dissect Owl Pellets

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Sean P. is ready for St. Patrick's Day!!

Have a wonderful weekend with family and friends! 
Sincerely, Mrs. Altham-Hickey