Bucket Fillers of the Month - November!
All of these students got to each lunch with Mrs. Altham-Hickey and Mrs. Whitmore by being nominated for showing RESPECT during the month of November. As a reward, each student made their own sundae and their parents received a postcard in the mail which recognzied what they were nominated for through a bucket biller slip! Nice job everyone!
RESPECT Post Card Winners!
As part of our school wide RESPECT campaign, each student at Freeman-Kennedy School was asked to illustrate a picture for a postcard pertaining to the school code of conduct, "RESPECT." The purpose of the postcard is to inform parents when their child has been selected to eat lunch with Mrs. Altham-Hickey and Ms. Whitmore. All the Bucket Fillers of the Week winners' names are placed in a grade level bucket. Six are chosen from each grade at random for the luncheon.
Nate G. in Mrs. Moore's class won the postcard illustration contest for third grade. The postcard illustrates a boy asking another boy if he can play soccer.

Molly P. in Mrs. Longobardi's class won the postcard illustration contest for fourth grade. Molly designed the word RESPECT with all the letters turned into people holding hands.
Grace C. in Mrs. Tucceri's class won the postcard illustration contest for fifth grade. Grace designed a postcard which shows "Treating others as you would like to be treated."
Bucket Filler of the Week - December 6th
Ian O. in Mrs. Leidner's class was really nice when I took my test. He was the only one that said, "Good" or "Great."
Jason C. in Mrs. Leidner's class let me play with him at recess.
Maddy R. in Miss Binette's class asked to get by on the playground and did not shove.
Jackie D. in Mrs. Klassman's class picked up for me when I went to the nurse.
Andrew S. in Mrs. Leidner's class helped me with my work.
Matt S. in Mr. Cavanaugh's social studies class returned my lost water bottle.
Lisa G. in Mrs. Longobardi's class for her honesty.
Mrs. Longobardi's fourth grade class for being respectful and helpful to a substitute teacher.
Joel S. in Mrs. Teague's class for letting me borrow his science notes.
Stephen M. in Mrs. Moore's class got my book bin for me when I forgot to get it.
Piper S. in Mrs. Longobardi's class was very patient and understanding in the library dealing with books that were due.
Bucket Filler of the Week - December 13th
Jillian F. in Mrs, O'Toole's class helped another student in class.
The entire grade 3 class nominated by Mrs. Boyd and Ms. Lassesy for walking back from lunch quietly.
Gabby C. in Mrs. Pericles class invited a friend to play with her during indoor recess.
Lauren B. in Mrs. Moore's class invited a friend to draw with her during indoor recess.
Seth L. in Mrs. Williamson's class held his hand out to help Micah across the ice entering the playground.
Abby C. in Mrs. McNeillie's class offered to help another student with flashcards.
Sarah G. in Mr. Cavanaugh's class generously shared some delicious home made snicker doodles.
Nate G. in Mrs. Moore's class always includes another friend and never lets anyone down.
Faith R. in Mr. Cavanaugh's included another student who had no one to play with at indoor recess.
Thomas S. in Mrs. Longobardi's class tried out for student council and didn't make it however, he was the first in our class to congratulate and applaud for the winner!
Cameron B. in Mrs. Pericles class let me join a game at recess. He told me how to play and passed to me a lot!
Bucket Filler of the Week - December 20th
Emma B. in Mrs. Horton's class stood up for me.
Ben in Mrs. Pericles class let me play football and someone passed the ball to me.
Oliva M. in Mrs. Teague's class stood up for a boy in our class.
Violet R. in Mrs. Moore's class noticed a friend in need of a tissue and we were out. Without being asked, she offered her own personal tissue to her classmate.
Matt S. in Mrs. Bosh's homeroom stood up for a friend.
Jack N. cheered me up when I got stressed out in class.
John C. in Mrs. Teague's class sat with me at the lunch table.
Jessica G. in Mrs. Moore's class sat with s friend sitting alone at lunch.
Reese S. in Mrs. Moore's class sat with a friend sitting alone at lunch.
New Playground at Freeman-Kennedy School

Mrs. Horton's 5th Grade Class - First Hour of Code!
Sound Presentations
Grade 3 - Mrs. Trombert's Class
Native American Perspectives - Grade 3
Gingerbread House Making With
Mrs. Altham-Hickey and Mrs. Whitmore
NCL Gala Winner - Emily C.
Winter Chorus Concert - Directed by: Leslie Levine

The Santa Foundation Donations
Thank you to all of you who generously supported the Santa Foundation this year.
King Philip Survey - Please Read and Fill Out!
is a link to the King Philip Regional School District survey about
district priorities. The
survey is going to remain open until approximately the second week in
Here it is: https://www.surveymonkey. com/s/3T68GQ6
Thank you,
Dr. Elizabeth Zielinski, Superintendent of Schools
King Philip Regional School District
Happy Holidays!
I would like to wish all the Freeman-Kennedy students and families a wonderful holiday season. We will return to school on Thursday, January 2, 2014. Happy New Year!
Lisa Altham-Hickey