Mrs. Leidner turned into
Miss Viola Swamp for Halloween!
Mrs. Trombert's class created
spooky dioramas!
spooky dioramas!
Mrs. Klassman's class wrote descriptive
words about their creative pumpkins!
Mrs. McFadden's class is using modge podge
for a Halloween activity.
Grade 3 learns about
Native American Perspectives
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Grade 3 Science
Mrs. Trombert's and Mrs. McFadden's classes explore and record data on crayfish!

Mr. Brogan and Mr. Murray's classes created
"DEAD Words" they will not use in their writing!
"DEAD Words" they will not use in their writing!
Ms. Moore's Class travels to Boston
to walk the Freedom Trail.
Mrs. Bosh's Class dresses in pink for
breast cancer awareness month in October!
The Power of One
Cyberbullying Prevention Assembly
for grades 3-6
for grades 3-6
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Grade 4 students create skeletons
by writing their names in cursive!
Grade 3 students create water resist
spider webs!
spider webs!
Grades 3 - print making fall trees
with fingerprint leaves.
with fingerprint leaves.
Grade 4 students use leaf printing on water
resist textured backgrounds.
The Freeman-Kennedy workshop has begun! Students are getting ceramic treasure ready to bring home for the winter holiday vacation! They are looking amazing!
Grade 5 creates leaf reliefs
on painted textured backgrounds.
Grade 5 creates WANTED Posters!
Grade 6 creates self portraits
using a grid method!
Grade 3 creates "SELFIES"
on exactly where they want to be!
Grade 4 creates shattered glass self portraits!
Mrs. Grout's class is holding
Mrs. Grout's class creates vocabulary hats!
Mrs. Horton's class creates vocabulary hats!
Veterans Day Assembly at
Freeman-Kennedy School
Reinforcing our school code of conduct!
Mrs. Altham-Hickey