Science Investigations in Ms. Binette's 4th grade class
Andrew and his peers are taking apart their mock rock during science.
Callie and Mitch using static electricity to study attraction during the Edison Workshop.
Students are exploring electricity!
Building Circuits!
Aidan and Payton successfully lighting a lightbulb during the Edison Workshop.
Emily and Evan are creating a circuit to light a lightbulb during the Edison Workshop.
Mr. Fouracre's Advanced Band Concert
January 17, 2013

Anthony C. plays a solo - One Man Band
Jack M. plays a solo - Forte, Piano, Forte
Tristan S. plays a solo - It's a Small World
Madison P. plays a solo - A Lullaby for an Angel
Kate C., Emily M. and Katherine C. play Serenede
The flute section plays - A Song of Thanksgiving
Michael O. plays a solo - The Pink Panther
Sarah M. and Ali B. play a duet - French Tune
Amber S. plays a solo - Call Me Maybe
The flute section plays - A Song of Thanksgiving
Bucket Fillers
Week of: January 18th and 25th, 2013
Jason P. in Mrs. Klassman's class gave someone a compliment when they really needed one.
Danny M. in Mrs. Klassman's class went over and sat with another student that was by them self at lunch.
Luke Y. in Mrs. Klassman's class gave a compliment to a friend by saying, "You did awesome!"
Grace C. in Mrs. Klassman's class is a true leader in the classroom and is very kind to everyone!
Jamie G. in Mrs. Klassman's class shared her snack with a friend. (Teacher gave permission.)
Olivia in Mrs. Moore's class gave a compliment to a group's biography poster.
Charlie G. in Mrs. McFadden's class helped a friend understand a problem and gave an example.
Max in Mrs. McFadden's class let a friend borrow his gloves so his hands wouldn't freeze.
Carson M. in Mrs. Pericles's class helped me get the felt back on my chair when it fell off.
Jaclyn A. in Mr. Murray's class helped a friend when something was knocked down to the floor.
Brooke M. in Mrs. Trombert's class always reminds Mrs. Trombert to send my bucket filler slips to Ms. Lassey.
Suzie S. in Mrs. McFadden's class shared her book with a classmate during read aloud when her book was missing.
Olivia L. in Mrs. Klassman's class complimented a student by saying, "That was a great observation you made during social studies."
Week of: February 1, 2013
Tirhake B. in Mr. Murray's class helps pick up pencils, erasers, and other things near my desk.
Julia L. in Mrs. Longobardi's class shared some of her snack with me because I didn't have one.
John M. in Mrs. Klassman's class was very encouraging after a touchdown during football at recess.
Meg S. in Mrs. McFadden's class let me play with her at recess.
Lorenzo M. in Mrs. Klassman's class helped another student in the cafeteria.
Evie S. in Mrs. Trombert's class includes me in games at recess.
Zachary N. in Mrs. Trombert's class helped me clean up water that spilled.
Maggie D. in Mrs. Pericles class is always nice to people and never says no to playing with anybody.
Mrs. Teague's Class Made Holiday Cards for the Senior Center!
Mrs. Fonte's and Mrs. Tucceri's Classrooms
Learning Centers in Action
Science Experiments
Mrs. McFadden and Mrs. Trombert's Class
Investigating Sound
Investigating Sound
Hands on Math in Mrs. McFadden's and Mrs. Trombert's Classroom
Student's are practicing division facts with Go Math! Division Cover-Up games.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Mrs. Altham-Hickey
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