Grade Level Thankful Trees
Freeman-Kennedy students are grateful for many things.
Grade 6 Art
Masterpiece Puzzles
Mrs. Bosh's Class - Goodbye Party for Marie K.
Students in Mrs. Bosh's Class wish Marie well as she moves to Japan! Good Luck Marie!
Grade 3 Visits Plimouth Plantation
Mrs. Trombert's class is at Plymouth Rock!
Grade 5 Research
Mrs. Horton and Mrs. Grout's students doing research for an energy PowerPoint Project using Google Docs.
Fall Book Fair in The Library
A Season of Giving at Freeman-Kennedy
Freeman-Kennedy students and staff are supporting families in need during the holiday season. We have partnered with the Santa Foundation and adopted 6 families.
Please feel free to take a snowflake or snowman to help a family. Please bring all donations to Ms. Lassey. If you have any questions, please feel free to call the school. Thank you!
Coats for Kids Collection
Freeman-Kennedy School will be collecting gently used coats to help those in need.
Please send your coats into the main office and we will make a donation to Anton's Cleaners. We will be collecting gently used coats until Friday, January 10, 2014.
School Wide Assembly - "RESPECT" Kick-Off
At Freeman-Kennedy School all students and staff strive to follow the school code of conduct. In early November we had a school wide assembly to review school expectations and rules. All students were asked to sign a contract to reinforce the rules we stand by each day to make our school a safe, fun learning environment.

4th Grade Singing at RESPECT Kick-OffAt Freeman-Kennedy School all students and staff strive to follow the school code of conduct. In early November we had a school wide assembly to review school expectations and rules. All students were asked to sign a contract to reinforce the rules we stand by each day to make our school a safe, fun learning environment.

November - Monthly Theme - "RESPECT"
Bucket Fillers at Freeman-Kennedy School!
Students at each grade level have a large bucket at the front of their hallway. Students and staff focused on recognizing people who showed respect this month. They nominate that person by filling out a bucket filler slip! We hope to see these buckets overflowing with bucket fillers of the week by the end of the year!
Look at all our Bucket Fillers for November! Great Job!!
Flannery D. in Mrs. Leindner's class went out of her way to help clean up a messy table in the lunch room.
Liz F. in Mrs. Teague's classroom let me play with her at recess.
Lauren B. in Mrs. Moore's class is great about greeting the teacher each day with a "good morning" and a smile.
Jacqui M. in Mrs. Moore's class wrote a note on her homework for me to see. She cheered me up because my grandfather passed away.
Tim Z. in Mrs. Moore's class offered to give another boy a pencil because he heard that he didn't have one.
Naja L. in Mrs. Michenzie's class made me feel better when I was sad.
Brandon O. in Mr. Cavanaugh's class helped set up chairs for the RESPECT assembly without being asked.
Brian M. in Mrs. Groenheide's class helped a student new in our class. He told him how things are done.
Brooke S. in Mrs. Johnston's class sat with me because I was sitting alone.
Emily K. in Mr. Murray's class helped pick up food that wasn't hers in the cafeteria.
Sammie S. in Mrs. Michenzie's class made me feel better when I was sad.
Garrett T. in Mrs. Groenheide's class gave an extra book to a peer.
Michael C. in Mr. Brogan's class sat with a fellow student at lunch that was having a bad day.
Sean P. in Mr. Cavanaugh's class helped set up chairs for the RESPECT assembly with even being asked.
Skylar S. in Mrs. Logan's class made sure everyone in the class was included in an activity.
Syndey O. in Mrs. Teague's class helped put together another students notebook for me while she was at reading. She also included another friend in playing war.
Grace S. in Mrs. Trombert's class joined a student at lunch.
Mallory J. in Mrs. Leidner's class helped another student pick up his pencil box when it dumped on the floor.
Sarah C. in Mrs. Klassman's class showed kindness to a student in Mrs. McSweeney's room. She is always helpful and kind to her classmates.
Flannery D. in Mrs. Klassman's class was one of the only people standing in line correctly at recess.
Samantha in Mrs. Moore's class offered to have a conference with a student that had been absent to help out.
Audrey O. in Mrs. McNeillie's science class organzied all my notebooks into a nice neat pile without being asked.
Grace C. is nice and always willing to help.
Emily D. in Mrs. Teague's class for playing with me at recess.
Emma M. in Mrs. Teague's class joined a friend at the peanut table.
John C. in Mrs. Teague's class helped me pick up something on the floor.
Philip H. in Mrs. Trombert's class stood up for me.
Justin Y. in Mrs. Pereia's PE class understood the needs of his classmates. He exhibited a selfless act.
Colin D. in Mrs. Moore's class always remains quiet after the whistle is blown at lunch. He shows the quiet sign to other students, too. He is a great role model.
Nate G. in Mrs. Moore's class was very respectful in lunch when I blew the whistle, he continued to be quiet.
Ryan L. in Mrs. Moore's class filled my bucket when he gave me a kind note about how he thinks I'm a good teacher.
Nickey G. in Mrs. Bosh's class was putting the library notebooks in the bin to straighten up without being asked.
Colin S. in Mrs. Longobardi's class thanked his teacher for buying the supplies to perform a science experiment.
John Z. in Mrs. Leidner's class helped Kayla with a math problem.
Building Stronger Schools - Builds a Stronger Norfolk
We are in need of
community members willing to give an hour of time once a month to help benefit
the children of Norfolk. NEST (Norfolk Elementary Schools Trust) is a group of
concerned community members who organize fundraising events in the community to
create grants to fund innovative programs for the students of HOD and F/K that
go above and beyond the basic curriculum. The mission of NEST is to bring our
schools from good to great with these extra programs. Meetings
are typically every third Monday at town hall from 7 to 8pm. Please
contact Jennifer at if you are interested or check out the website at:
Our mission is simple: To provide the best for our children. Through funds that we raise, we work with the faculty of the schools to ensure that our children continue to grow and thrive.
Our mission is simple: To provide the best for our children. Through funds that we raise, we work with the faculty of the schools to ensure that our children continue to grow and thrive.
In conjunction with the School Department: We help to provide an
education that inspires life-long learners and cultivates caring and productive
citizens of our ever-changing world.
I would like to wish everyone a happy, healthy Thanksgiving with family and friends. We thank everyone who contributes to supporting our school in many ways throughout the school year!
Lisa Altham-Hickey
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