MARC Bullying Prevention Lesson
Kindergarten & Grade 5 Students
Students and teachers in grade 5 traveled over to the H. Olive Day School to work collaboratively with kindergarten students on a bullying prevention paired lesson. As you can see by the pictures below, everyone truly enjoyed partnering up with each other to learn how to prevent bullying from happening in our schools.Bucket Fillers Week of April 26, 2013
Noah F. in Mrs. Klassman's included me in a game of football at recess.
Brendan K. in Mrs. McFadden's class stood up for me!
Della C. in Mrs. Pericles' class gave up her 2nd base position in the baseball field during gym class so that another student could have it.
Kelly C. in Mrs. Moore's class invited a person working alone to join her group!
Charlie G. in Mrs. McFadden's class helped a student in his class with his school work.
Mia in Mrs. Pericles' class is really nice to me and never leaves anyone out!
Sydney O. in Mrs. Trombert's class asked a student to listen as someone was talking.
Liz F. (not pictured) in Mrs. McFadden's class helped me with me grammar.
Nolan F. (not pictured) in Mrs. McFadden's class helped me when I dropped all of my papers.
Elise W. in Miss Binette's class helped me and some other friends clean up at indoor recess when there wasn't any time left. She wasn't even playing with us!
Katrina S. in Miss Binette's Class included me in a game at recess.
Emily D. in Mrs. Grout's class is a good friend that I can trust and helps me with math problems.
Lily M in Mrs. Williamson's class complimented a classmate on his work on their group project. She really made him feel good!
Morgan P. in Mrs. Fontes' class helped me with some work when I was having trouble.
Cameron C. in Mrs. Tucceri's class carried a teacher's heavy school bags into her room, and I didn't even ask him to do it!
Hands on Science
Students in Mrs. McSweeney's class are tending to their outdoor flower garden. Last fall they planted bulbs and they are flourishing with the help of students. Students used the recycled rain water to help feed the plants. Soon they will be integrating math by measuring the height and growth of the flowers. Nice job! They look amazing in the court yard!Mrs. O'Toole's 5th Grade Class
Hands on Science
Students in Mrs. O'Toole's class are learning about the phases of the moon. In this activity, the students represent the earth, and they are placing the different phases of the moon around the earth.
Chefs to School
Students participate in an after school activity at Freeman-Kennedy School. They are learning about how to make healthy recipes. They have the opportunity to try new foods and are amazed at how much they like them! All the recipes are very yummy and nutritious!
Exciting News From H. Olive Day!
We have some very exciting news from the H. Olive Day School! At a February meeting, the Community Preservation Commission approved using some of their funds to create a new playground and field at HOD. The use of these funds needs to be approved at the Norfolk Town Meeting that will take place on Tuesday, May 7th at 7:00 p.m. at the King Philip Middle School. A new playground will not only provide a safe, accessible and fun place for the children of HOD and the community to play and socialize, but it will also enhance the learning that takes place all day long at HOD!
Have a great weekend with family and friends!
Mrs. Altham-Hickey
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