Grade 3 Ice Cream Social
In early September, Grade 3 students and families made their own ice cream sundaes in the cafeteria. It was a nice way to welcome all the new grade three families to the Freeman-Kenndey School. The event is sponsored by the Student Council and overseen by Mrs. Patrick.
Mrs. Moore and Mrs. Leidner helped by placing chocolate sauce and whipped cream
on the ice cream sundaes.
Mrs. Patrick and Ms. Lassey scooped ice cream!
The entire grade 3 team made the Ice Cream Social a welcoming experience for all!
Freeman-Kennedy History Wall Unveiling!
Katie McMahon and Eleanor Spellman made history come alive at Freeman-Kennedy School on Friday, September 13, 2013. We now have the opportunity to teach our students about all the important people who made an impact on education within the Norfolk Public Schools. These young ladies completed 50 hours of community service to achieve their Silver Award in Girl Scouts.

Senator Richard Ross came to acknowledge all the hard work these young ladies accomplished! They were each given a official citation from the Massachusetts State Senate.

Senator Richard Ross came to acknowledge all the hard work these young ladies accomplished! They were each given a official citation from the Massachusetts State Senate.
Adam Kennedy's parents and Priscilla Chick, daughter of Alvin J. Freeman, came to celebrate the History Wall unveiling. They are very proud to have the school named after their family members.
The Spellman Family supported Eleanor in her journey to completing the Silver Award.
The McMahon Family also supported Katie in her journey to completing the Silver Award.
Awesome job on the History Wall!
Integration of iPads
in Mrs. Tucceri's Class
in Mrs. Tucceri's Class
Students from Mrs. Tucceri's class are working with iPads to research historical
Readers' Theater in Mrs. Fontes's Class
Students in Mrs. Fontes's class perform a Readers' Theater based on the Constitution to
celebrate the day. The historical document was signed on September 17, 1787.
Investigating States of Matter in
Mrs. Tucceri & Mrs. Fontes's Class
I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream! Students from Mrs. Fontes's and Mrs. Mrs. Tucceri & Mrs. Fontes's Class
Tucceri's classes investigate changing states of matter by making ice cream.
Summer Writing Pen Pal Letters
from Mrs. Teague's Class!
Mrs. Horton's Fifth Grade Class
Experiments With "Goo Yuck"
Please view the video below to see the students making of "Goo Yuck"
Mrs. Horton's Class Presents
Twirly Bird Redesigns
Library With Mrs. Lavallee
Students had the opportunity to write their summer reading recommendations on the SmartBoard.
Grade 6 girls are holding a book discussion in the library booth.
We are off to a great start at the Freeman-Kennedy!
Have a great weekend!!
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